Premier Dental & Implant Center

Gaining Perspective on Tooth Loss Statistics

Jan 9, 2019 @ 12:24 PM — by Yamen Akhras
Tagged with: Dental Implants

At Premier Dental & Implant Center in Orland Park, IL, we understand the lasting effects that tooth loss can have. We’re proud to offer restorative treatments, such as dental bridges and dental implants to replace missing teeth.

In this blog post, we review tooth loss statistics in the United States.

Why Tooth Loss Happens

Tooth loss occurs for different reasons.

Tooth decay is one cause of tooth loss. When plaque and tartar accumulate on the teeth, they attract harmful oral bacteria, which then damage the hard and soft tissues within the mouth.

If tooth decay is not treated early, restorative procedures may not be able to save the tooth. In this case, tooth extraction may be necessary.

Similarly, oral bacteria can damage the gums and underlying bone tissues when patients have periodontal disease. Gum disease can cause tooth loss if patients do not undergo routine dental exams and seek treatment for the condition.

In addition, injury and trauma can cause tooth loss.

Tooth Loss by Age

The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research reports that:

These numbers include the wisdom teeth, which are commonly extracted

Tooth Loss Across Other Demographics

Age is not the only category that can help us understand tooth loss; gender, ethnicity, and education can all contribute to a patient’s risk levels.

Men have a slightly lower rate of tooth loss than women. Men across all age groups retain 25.06 teeth, while women retain 24.9.

Mexican-Americans have the lowest tooth loss rates, with the average Mexican-American across all age groups retaining 25.32 teeth. White adults retain 25.23 teeth, and black adults retain 23.68 teeth.

On average, adults who have completed more than a high school education retain 25.76 teeth, while those adults with less than a high school education retain 23.10.

Solutions and Treatment Options

As public health education and access to dental treatment improves, tooth loss rates in the United States decrease.

However, when patients do experience tooth loss, we offer restorative treatments to prevent the negative health effects associated with this condition.

To replace the missing tooth roots, we can place dental implants. Made of titanium, dental implants integrate with the patient’s jawbone, much like a natural tooth root.

Dental implants prevent bone loss in the jaw and maintain the position and strength of the remaining teeth. Another benefit? Once a restoration has been placed on the implant, no one can tell any restorative work has been done.

Contact Us About Restorative Treatment

Whether you are facing tooth loss, or are hoping to prevent tooth loss through regular dental cleanings and exams, our dentists can help. We offer treatment options that can help you eat, laugh, and speak with confidence - and without thinking about tooth loss.

Contact our practice online or call us at (708) 873-9709 to learn more and schedule a consultation with us.