Premier Dental & Implant Center

Enhance Your Smile with Cosmetic Dental Bonding Treatment

Oct 13, 2016 @ 12:00 PM — by nora
Tagged with: Cosmetic Dentistry

If dental flaws and imperfections have you feeling unhappy about the appearance of your smile, cosmetic dental bonding may be right for you. Cosmetic dental bonding can transform the smile in a single dental visit, making it a popular treatment for patients who wish to improve the aesthetics of their teeth. Dr. Yamen Akhras offers a variety of dental services in addition to cosmetic dental bonding to treat dental flaws and damage, and enhance the overall appearance of the smile. To find out if cosmetic dental bonding treatment is right for you, contact our Orland Park, IL practice to schedule a consultation with Dr. Akhras.

What Is Cosmetic Dental Bonding?

Cosmetic dental bonding is a painless, non-invasive procedure used to mask dental flaws and enhance the smile's appearance. Dental bonding treatment can be completed in a single dental appointment, allowing patients to instantly enjoy a beautiful, stunning smile.

The Cosmetic Dental Bonding Procedure

During the cosmetic dental bonding procedure, the teeth are thoroughly cleaned and a special solution is painted on the teeth. This solution makes the surface of the teeth porous, enabling a strong bond between the teeth and dental bonding material. Once the teeth are prepared, the dental bonding material, made of a tooth-colored resin, will be applied to the teeth. The resin is soft and malleable, allowing it to be directly applied and shaped on the teeth. Once the desired size and shape is achieved, the resin is cured, or hardened. The bonded teeth are then finely shaped and polished to complete treatment.

What Dental Flaws Can Bonding Address?

Dental bonding can address a variety of dental flaws, allowing many who are unhappy with the appearance of their teeth to enjoy the smile they've always wanted. Some of the most common aesthetic issues dental bonding can address include:

Candidates for Dental Bonding

Dental bonding can help many people achieve their dental goals, but it is not appropriate for all patients. Ideal candidates for dental bonding should have healthy gums and teeth, free of severe decay or gum disease. Candidates should also wish to improve the appearance of their smile due to one or more of the aesthetic issues previously outlined.

Is Dental Bonding Right for You?

To find out if dental bonding is right for you, or to discover other treatment options, we welcome you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Akhras.