Premier Dental & Implant Center

Proper Dental Care for Seniors

Feb 12, 2017 @ 10:00 AM — by Yamen Akhras
Tagged with: Gum Disease

Seniors face unique oral care challenges. Our teeth, gums, and bone composition all change as we age. These changes can make it more difficult for seniors to maintain good oral health. Dr. Yamen Akhras specializes in dental care for seniors at Premier Dental & Implant Center in Orland Park, IL. He offers a wide range of dental services to meet each of our senior patients’ individual needs. To learn more about caring for your teeth as you age, contact one of our knowledgeable team members.

Oral Health Challenges Facing Seniors

Seniors face a wide range of oral health challenges. These conditions are just some of the problems that may affect a senior patient:

Proper Dental Care for Seniors

Seniors should continue getting dental checkups and cleanings every six months. Dr. Akhras may recommend more frequent appointments for patients with a greater risk for gum disease, oral cancer, and other serious conditions. To prevent gum disease and tooth loss, seniors should brush their teeth and gums twice per day and floss once per day.

If you have removable partial or full dentures, make sure you clean these thoroughly to remove food particles and bacteria. Using an antibacterial mouth rinse once or twice per day can help cut down on decay- and disease-causing bacteria. Taking care of your dental health as a senior can help you avoid costly dental procedures.

Learn More About Caring for Your Teeth as You Age

Dr. Akhras and our educated team at Premier Dental & Implant Center can help you understand how to preserve your natural teeth for as long as possible. If and when the time comes for dentures, we can help you select the option that works best for you. Contact our dental practice today to learn more or to schedule an appointment.