Find Out if You Are a Candidate for a Mouth Guard By nora on December 11, 2016

Mouth GuardAt Premier Dental & Implant Center, we offer a wide range of dental services to meet the needs of our patients. One of these services is the fabrication of a custom-made mouth guard. These oral appliances are used in a variety of different circumstances. To find out if you are a candidate for a mouth guard, we encourage you to make an appointment at our Orland Park, IL office with Dr. Yamen Akhras. He can evaluate your oral health and assess your needs to determine if a mouth guard is right for you.

What Is a Mouth Guard?

A mouth guard is an oral appliance, typically crafted from a durable type of plastic, that protects the teeth from damage. Mouth guards can also provide relief for certain dental conditions. There are different levels of mouth guards. Over-the-counter options are available. The problem with these types of devices is that they are often bulky and uncomfortable. This leads the patient to wear the device less and less, which leaves the teeth unprotected.

The best mouth guards are the custom oral appliances offered by dentists. They are crafted from durable materials and are created from impressions of the patients’ teeth. This results in a snug and comfortable fit over the teeth, which provides maximum protection and comfort.

Are You a Good Candidate for a Mouth Guard?

Mouth guards are a safe, effective, and non-invasive way to protect the teeth from injuries during sports, damage caused from teeth grinding, and pain caused by temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. If any of the following describes your situation, you are probably a good candidate for a custom mouth guard.


Sports of almost any kind, but especially high-contact sports, can lead to oral trauma and damaged teeth. Athletes who play football, hockey, and other contact sports should always wear a mouth guard. Sometimes referred to as a sports guard, these oral appliances are specially designed to help absorb the shock and impact the teeth can suffer. This protects the teeth from cracking or breaking.

Teeth Grinding or Clenching

Also known as bruxism, nightly teeth grinding and clenching can damage the teeth over time. Bruxism can lead to erosion of the tooth and may also result in fractures or other damage. A custom-made mouth guard can protect the teeth from grinding against one another at night. This prevents damage and can also alleviate discomfort that may result from teeth grinding and clenching.

TMJ Disorder

Patients suffering from chronic jaw pain, headaches, earaches, or neck pain may have TMJ disorder. This condition can make simple actions like chewing or yawning uncomfortable. A simple, customized mouth guard can help relieve the painful symptoms of TMJ disorder so patients feel refreshed rather than drained upon waking.

Make Your Appointment for a Custom Mouth Guard Today

Whether you are an athlete, a bruxer, or suffer from TMJ disorder, we can design a mouth guard that will meet your needs and provide the level of protection and relief that you need. Contact our office to schedule an appointment to discuss your custom mouth guard with Dr. Akhras.

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