Premier Dental & Implant Center

How Should I Clean My Invisalign Aligners?

Apr 29, 2020 @ 02:41 PM — by nora
Tagged with: Invisalign

Are you tired of living with crooked teeth? Invisalign® trays offer a discreet and comfortable means of addressing teeth that are gapped, crowded, and misaligned.

Throughout treatment, you will need to take steps to clean and maintain your Invisalign aligners. Caring for your trays is straightforward. By following the advice of Dr. Yamen Akhras and the guidelines given by our Orland Park, IL, team, you can lower your risk of tooth decay and keep your smile looking healthy and bright.

Why Cleaning Your Invisalign Aligners Matters

Before Invisalign pioneered clear aligner technology, patients were left with one orthodontic option: metal braces. Invisalign’s SmartTrack material is not just incredibly strong. It’s practically invisible. Once placed, most people will not be able to tell that you are wearing clear aligners — if you keep your aligners clean.

To Ensure a Discreet Treatment

Failure to clean your Invisalign aligners will eventually lead to a film forming on the inside and outside of the material. Any buildup on the clear aligner material will obscure your smile. To ensure that your orthodontic treatments remain discreet, we recommend that patients regularly clean their Invisalign aligners.  

For Maintaining Good Oral Health

Plaque isn’t just a problem for your teeth. The biofilm can build on any surface inside your mouth, including along your aligner trays. When food particles are allowed to build up inside your trays, your teeth are at greater risk of developing decay. For the same reasons that you brush your teeth at least twice a day, keep your aligner trays clean by following the advice of our team.

How to Clean Your Invisalign Aligners

There is no singular method to clean your aligners. Some of our Orland Park, IL, patients prefer to brush their aligner trays a few times a day while others may prefer to soak their aligners in a solution. Either way, cleaning your trays on a daily basis is critical for your oral health and the appearance of your trays.     

Tips for Brushing

One of the easiest ways to remember to clean your aligner trays is to brush your trays each time you brush your teeth. Remember to only use a soft-bristle toothbrush and to never let your Invisalign trays come into contact with very hot water. This can lead to warping of the SmartTrack material.

Avoid using toothpaste to clean your aligners. Most brands of toothpaste will leave a white residue on your trays. Simply run your trays under cold or lukewarm water and use your toothbrush to thoroughly scrub the surface of your aligners.

Tips for Using a Cleaning Solution

Most solutions that are intended to clean retainers and dentures will do a good job of cleaning Invisalign trays. Invisalign even offers its own line of cleaning products.

Schedule Your Invisalign Treatment Today

Keeping your aligner trays clean will let you look your best while your teeth gradually shift toward a more cosmetically pleasing position. Don’t wait too long to develop a cleaning routine. If you have any questions about maintaining and caring for your Invisalign aligners, your regularly scheduled check-ups are a great time to come with questions.

To schedule your Invisalign consultation, please contact our Orland Park office online or call us at (708) 873-9709.