Premier Dental & Implant Center

Taking Care of Your Mouth After Wisdom Tooth Removal

Dec 12, 2021 @ 10:00 AM — by Yamen Akhras
Tagged with: Wisdom Teeth Removal

The wisdom teeth, also known as the third molars, often erupt abnormally, which can lead to partial or full impaction. Impacted wisdom teeth can damage adjacent teeth, and increase the risk of many other dental complications. To protect the smile, it may be necessary to remove wisdom teeth.

Dr. Yamen Akhras offers safe and gentle wisdom tooth removal to individuals in Orland Park, IL, and surrounding areas. Wisdom tooth removal is a surgical procedure that will result in side effects. Here, we offer wisdom tooth removal aftercare tips that promote healing and help patients minimize their surgical recovery time.

Wound Care

After wisdom tooth removal, the tissues of the tooth socket will be closed with sutures. It is very important that patients avoid touching or disturbing the wound area. It is normal for patients to experience some bleeding from the wound site. Patients will go home with a gauze pad over the surgical area. The pad should be kept in place for 30 minutes. If bleeding continues after the gauze is removed, it can be replaced with a new gauze pad or with a moist tea bag for another 30 minutes. To further minimize bleeding, patients should stay in an upright position and avoid activity.

Dealing With Inflammation

After wisdom tooth removal, our Orland Park patients may experience inflammation around the mouth, cheeks, or eyes. Some may also develop mild bruising. Swelling and bruising usually start around 24 hours after surgery and can linger for several days. To manage inflammation, patients should apply ice packs or cold compresses to the area. Ice packs can be applied up to 20 minutes at a time every two to four hours. 

Pain Management

Pain is another common side effect of wisdom tooth removal. Patients will be prescribed pain medication to manage discomfort. Patients can use prescribed medication as directed to ease pain. Discomfort should gradually subside in the days following surgery. As pain becomes less severe, patients can switch to an over-the-counter pain reliever to ease irritation. 

Oral Hygiene Instructions

People are often hesitant to brush their teeth following wisdom tooth removal, but it is important to keep the mouth clean. Patients can brush their teeth the night of their wisdom tooth removal, as long as they avoid the wound site. The day after wisdom tooth removal, patients should start doing rinses to keep the surgical site clean. We recommend gently rinsing with warm salt water around six times a day.

Diet Recommendations

It is important that people stay hydrated and well-nourished after wisdom tooth removal. However, maintaining a normal diet will not be comfortable for the first couple of days after surgery. Instead, patients should stick to a diet of soft foods. We recommend foods that are high in calories and protein. Hydration is also key, so we suggest drinking at least six glasses of water a day. It is important that patients avoid drinking with a straw since this can dislodge the blood clot from the wound area.

Get In Touch 

If you are in need of wisdom tooth removal and would like to learn more about what to expect during treatment and in the days afterward, Dr. Yamen Akhras would be happy to answer any questions you may have. To get in touch, send us a message online, or call our office at (708) 873-9709.