Premier Dental & Implant Center

Treatment for Chipped Teeth

Apr 15, 2017 @ 10:00 AM — by Yamen Akhras
Tagged with: Veneers

While a chipped tooth usually is not cause for major concern, you may experience some discomfort. Depending on which tooth is chipped, you may see a reduction in function or feel self-conscious about your appearance. At Premier Dental & Implant Center in Orland Park, IL, Dr. Yamen Akhras offers a wide range of dental services. After examining your tooth and discussing your needs and budget, he can recommend an appropriate treatment for your chipped tooth.

Is a Chipped Tooth Serious?

In most cases, a chipped tooth is not serious. You are not at risk of developing an infection or losing the tooth. Some patients experience pain after chipping a tooth, which may be due to inflammation of the inner soft tissues, or pulp. Generally, any discomfort is mild and goes away shortly after.

Although not serious, a chipped tooth may affect your dental function. You may have trouble biting into certain foods, which may force you to favor one side of your mouth over another. Over time, this can lead to misalignment if not addressed. Additionally, many patients feel self-conscious about chipped teeth, especially when it affects one of the front teeth.

While you do not need to seek emergency treatment, Dr. Akhras recommends making an appointment sooner rather than later. This will allow him to examine the tooth for further damage and recommend a suitable treatment.

What Treatment Options Are Available?

Dr. Akhras offers several different treatment options for chipped teeth. The treatment you choose will depend on the affected tooth as well as your budget and concerns about aesthetics. You and Dr. Akhras can select one of the following treatments after discussing your individual needs.

Schedule an Appointment Today

If you chipped a tooth, there is no need to be alarmed. Dr. Akhras can repair your tooth. Contact our office to schedule an appointment.